For newly manufactured hardware, or re-certification of refurbished / reused equipment, we can offer a full range of services designed to ensure that your equipment is operationally ready. With modern test facilities, both internally and externally, Legasea can accommodate testing such as FAT’s, EFAT’s and SIT’s, whilst providing integrated support services.
Facilities and services include:
75, 25 & 10 Tonne overhead cranes. 10.15m hook height (16m to pit)
60,000psi Hydro Testing capability.
Assembly and Testing of Subsea / Surface Production Equipment.
Riser Inspection and Testing.
Interface Testing.
Pre-installation activities
Clean rooms.
Dedicated client offices.
'Mouse Hole' pressure test pit (16ft)
Internal and External SIT areas.
Submerged gas leak testing.
ROV trials.
Diver trials.
Buoyancy Testing.
Abandonment & Cutting Tool Trials.
Stack-up / interface tests.