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Electrical terminations are performed in-house, as per industry recognised soldering standard IPC J-STD-001 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, which is the prominent authority for electrical assembly soldering. The standard specifies materials, methods and verification criteria for producing high quality connections. The standard emphasises strict quality control measures, and sets requirements for a wide range of electrical and electronic products.


Following termination, and helium pressure testing, hydrophobic dielectric gel is used to fill the Subsea Connector gland housing

Once submerged, the connector diaphragm then equalises the subsea hydrostatic pressure, blocking water ingress and limiting stress upon the connector body. 


Alternatively, Legasea can manufacture oil filled assemblies  A number of Subsea Electrical Connectors utilise Pressure Balanced Oil Filled (PBOF) systems. These assemblies  consist of an elastomeric hose as a channel for electrical wires and/or fibre optic strands. The PBOF is filled and pressurised with fluid, allowing the external pressure to equalise with the oil volume within the assembly.

Soldered Subsea Electrical Connector - 4 Way DigiTron
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